Thursday, November 21, 2013

CD holder & Portfolio

Where I live, internet options are limited.  I used to have HughesNet, which was about as quick as dial-up. Finally I upgraded to Verizon HomeFusion, which was sooooooo much faster.  I could actually watch YouTube videos!  Shocking!  It's really annoying how websites assume you have a fast internet connection.

Anyway, my point is, and I do have one, HomeFusion is much faster, but I am limited on my data usage. 10 GB a month.  Which apparently went quick this month.  So off went the internet and off went my connection to the web and all it's great tutorials.  Instead, I became reacquainted with the library, somewhere around the section.  These projects- a portfolio and archaic CD holder (I messed up a bit on the latter, of course)- are from books checked out at the library.  Unfortunately I've since returned them and hence don't remember the names of the books!

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